1. Take your bag, be it hand bag, man bag, sling bag or any other bags that you put your stuff in.
2. Take everything out and put it nicely around the bag.
3. Describe the items found in your bag.
4. Let' the readers judge.
5. See whether their prejudgments about you personality are correct or not.
hah..ni la yg terdpt kt dlm beg aku ari ni...pkai sling bag coz ari ahad..konon2 macho la ni...ari keje of coz la handbag...lg lawa dr beg kiena..muehehe...
1. pas lrt+pas nk msuk opis..(wrne ijo)..wajib ade nih...
2. tisu..(wat lap hingus)
3. kunci umah...(kenal x keychain SABAH tuh?)...
4. wrne kelabu tuh beg hp...FYI hp aku sme ngn sakinah..(haha..sje nk ckp)
5. purse...stu je purse aku..hehe...xcam kiena..ade duerr..
6. chager..sbb bteri hp dh nyawa2 ikan...cas kt opiz sep ckit beb
7. bedak silkygirl..kot2 la muke berminyak..hehe..ngn lipbalm banana boat..(kalo xnmpk sile besarkan gmbr ni)bibir kering duk lam econ..
8. payung..ptg2 bese ujan..kang basah lak..sediakan pyung sebelum ujan...
sekian...eh...jap2..yg terselit wrne putih kt ats beg aku tuh...tiket bas rapid KL bertarikh 21 Dec..ari ni..ari blog ini ditulis..lalalalala
fuh...aku dh lksanakan tgas kiena...ade utang lg x kiena??sile revert..hehehe
spe bce nih..otometik kene tag...you!!!jgn lari!!!
ada pulak tag pakai beg....
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